Don't judge a book by it's cover

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Recently, something came across my mind. 

You don't use others eyes to define who you are. Why would you care so much for something unworthy? Why would you want to define yourself by using others definition? Why would you want to define yourself? There is no need a definition for you, because you are who you are. I know, most of the time we tend to prioritize other's opinions before ourselves. That's part of humanity which is true but in the meantime sad as well. There is no need to label ourselves nor label others. You are who you are. 
It's really sad to realize that we can't do anything to them, but there is one thing we can do, which is to make ourselves a better person, by doing what we love the most without minding those extremely judgmental people. YESH! Doing what you love and right, makes you a better person, and don't give up in pursuing your dream. Do what's the best for you. You are who you are and you know who you are.

Life is meant to be filled with ups and downs, where you will be the one who compose all the parts of your story. You have options, but you need courage to make the decisions. That's the most arduous task in life, but we all ought to undergo it. 

Just accept the fact that this world is judgmental, but 
"Don't judge people with your eyes, judge with your wisdom."

Then, hopefully you will find it interesting to know the positives 

Yours truly,
Nyen Yie.

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